Twenty Six

Hello, world!

So it’s safe to say, so far, 2018 is NOT going to plan. I started the year with the best intentions; I had a new job, exciting plans for this site and a colour coded spreadsheet to help me gain some control over my finances. Unfortunately, the universe had other intentions and decided to make me homeless for about a month and a half due to a shitty plumber causing 100L of water to leak under the floorboards of my flat. After six weeks of uncertainty, stress, and a LOT of takeaways (I had no kitchen for a month!) I now have a wonderful house, and things are starting to feel a lot more settled.

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What are the Marks of a True Friend?

In my experience, there are two kinds of friends. Friends by convenience and friends by choice. Friends by convenience are people you have in your life that you’re friends with because you see them a lot, maybe you work together, study together, or live near one another. You might be close, you might hang out a lot, but if you leave that job, finish your studies or move away – more often than not you’ll lose touch and find other people.

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Go With You

I’m in my twenties. I’m at that point in life when I’m meant to be an adult, but I feel like a kid. I have a full-time job, live in the middle of Manchester, pay my taxes, blog about politics and do all my own washing – but I have no idea what I’m doing. Honestly, I feel like I missed the adulting class at school or something, everyone around me seems like they know exactly what they’re doing. I’ve got friends my age who are getting engaged, married or having families. Friends who have already got their dream job, are travelling the world, studying to become doctors or engineers, or just living the carefree life. Everybody seems to know what their place is in the world and I’m just trying my best at winging it.

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