More Than Words

Every time I log on to social media (which is probably more often than I should), there’s always plenty of things that grab my attention. Seeing a friend’s new baby, an update from my sister travelling around Central America or whatever country she’s in at the moment, another meme about the Great British Bake off, or a riveting comment thread from whatever politically or religiously divisive article one of my friends has posted. Now I love to get into a good ol’ Facebook debate. If you know me, then you know that I can have very strong opinions about things, and love to engage in a debate or argument over the web defending whatever position I hold. Whether it’s LGBTQ rights, systemic racism, Donald Trump, Brexit or Marvel vs. DC, I will vehemently defend and argue my opinion. I try to be open to other’s points of view but if my deconstruction has taught me anything, it’s that I can be wrong about things and that’s OK. Debate and discussion help me to see other’s point of view and learn from them where I can. But I’m starting to realise that holding an opinion or a position on things is not enough.

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Does Love Really Win?

‘Love Wins’

I’ve heard that phrase a lot over the last couple of days. It’s a message that gives us hope in the midst of tragedies like we saw in Orlando this weekend. The mantra that we cry in the face of terror, extremism and hate crimes. It gives us hope that eventually good will prevail over evil, love will prevail over hate. It’s a phrase that caused thousands of people all around the world to hold vigils on Monday night, remembering the lives that were lost under such terrible circumstances. Last year at pride I marched in the parade holding a sign with that message, with hundreds of others declaring this message across the world. But last night, after a day of hearing the stories of innocent people who died after that horrific homophobic attack, and seeing people blaming and scapegoating the Islamic community for the acts of a small minority; I asked myself, does love really win?

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