Twenty Six

Hello, world!

So it’s safe to say, so far, 2018 is NOT going to plan. I started the year with the best intentions; I had a new job, exciting plans for this site and a colour coded spreadsheet to help me gain some control over my finances. Unfortunately, the universe had other intentions and decided to make me homeless for about a month and a half due to a shitty plumber causing 100L of water to leak under the floorboards of my flat. After six weeks of uncertainty, stress, and a LOT of takeaways (I had no kitchen for a month!) I now have a wonderful house, and things are starting to feel a lot more settled.

Last week I turned 26. While frankly I’m feeling terrified at the thought that I’m closer to 50 than I am to birth, I’ve decided that this is the perfect opportunity to start afresh and set some goals and intentions for myself. I’d already decided that 2018 was to be my “Year of Ethical Living”, and I still intend to post recipes in my ethical cookbook as often as I can, although unfortunately it probably won’t be every week. (I realise I was a little ambitious to think I could invent a new blog-worthy recipe every seven days!) I’m also looking at other ways I can live more ethically in my day to day life. Whether it’s reducing my plastic consumption, being mindful of where I’m buying food and clothes, and the companies and people I’m giving my money to.

As well as living ethically, a big focus of mine this year is to develop a more healthy lifestyle and get to know myself a bit better. I am incredibly unfit, waste far too much time on social media and playing silly games on my phone, and have a real hard time being by myself. I’ve made it a priority this year to begin to develop healthy routines and habits, such as mindfulness, yoga and meditation, to keep me centred, grounded, and focused on moving forward in whatever I’m doing.

I’m not too sure what role this site is going to play moving forward. My blog has gone through a number changes over the years, and I’m always conscious not let things become stagnant or boring. So I’m hoping that this site will grow into a more holistic lifestyle blog, whether it includes recipes, tips on how to grow and maintain an epic beard, or ideas and insights on health, mindfulness, and living ethically.

Either way, if you want to join me on the journey, subscribe to my posts here. And feel free to comment, share, like me on facebook and all that jazz if you feel so inclined!

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