
Losing Faith

Through my youth I was what I call a super Christian. I went to every Christian event I could, from festivals to prayer nights to worship conferences. All the music I listened to was Christian, I was involved in as many church activities as I could fit in my calendar, played in the church band, sang in the choir, lead in the youth group, the list goes on. I was so passionate about Jesus, so on fire for my faith and so excited to tell everyone I could about the ‘good news’.

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If you hadn’t noticed it’s that time of year again. The trees are up, decorations are everywhere and all over the world people are buying presents for their loved ones. In amongst the parties, food and festivities, there’s a story that we like to tell. Whether we are religious or not, whether the story is the centre of everything we believe or just a fairytale, we tell the story of the birth of a child some two thousand years ago. The child who would grow up to become one of the most famous figures in history, a rabbi named Jesus, who came to bring hope to the world.

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Mysterious God

So often we look for certainty in this world, we want facts and answers and black and white. But in reality the world is full of colour. We look to science for understanding of the world around us, but any physicist will tell you that our understanding of the universe is extremely limited. There are so many things we don’t understand, so much that we still have left to learn. The world is full of mystery…

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Can I Be Gay And Christian?

A few years ago I was at a Christian youth festival, working with the detached team. As part of the week, we ran a debate night called “Grill a Christian”, where anyone could come and ask questions to do with faith and life; we would do our best to answer and talk about them. One girl stood up towards the end of the evening and asked the question “Can I be gay and Christian?”…

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